Data Science Interview Preparation

Techniques to Handle Non-Normal Residuals


Techniques to Handle Non-Normal Residuals:

  1. Transformation:

    • Apply mathematical transformations (e.g., logarithm, square root) to the response variable or predictor variables to stabilize variance and make residuals more normal.
  2. Box-Cox Transformation:

    • A statistical method that identifies the most suitable transformation to normalize residuals.
  3. Weighted Least Squares:

    • Assign weights to observations based on the variance of residuals, giving more importance to observations with smaller variances.
  4. Robust Regression:

    • Use robust regression methods that are less sensitive to outliers and violations of normality assumptions.
  5. Residual Plots and Diagnostics:

    • Examine residual plots, QQ plots, and other diagnostic plots to identify patterns or outliers that might be causing non-normality. Address influential points or outliers as needed.
  6. Generalized Linear Models (GLMs):

    • If the response variable is not continuous or the error structure is not normally distributed, consider using GLMs that can accommodate various distributions and link functions.
  7. Bootstrapping:

    • Use resampling techniques like bootstrapping to estimate confidence intervals and test statistics, which can be more robust to violations of normality assumptions.
  8. Data Segmentation:

    • Divide the dataset into subgroups based on certain criteria and build separate models for each subgroup if the relationship between variables or error distribution varies across groups.

By addressing non-normal residuals through appropriate techniques, you can improve the reliability and validity of regression analysis results, ensuring more accurate interpretations and predictions.


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