Data Science Interview Preparation

XgBoost (Extreme Gradient Boosting) : Data Science Interview Questions MCQs

Topic: XgBoost (Extreme Gradient Boosting)


1. Does gradient boosted trees generally perform better than random forest?

ANSWER= A) Explain:- Because Random forest build trees in parallel, while in boosting, trees are built sequentially.


2. Which out of random forests and boosting trees are more prone to overfitting?

ANSWER= B) Explain:- Both random forests and boosting trees are prone to overfitting, But boosting models are more prone.


3. Which of the following is true about Xgboost?

ANSWER= C) Explain:-


4. Which of the following is true about weight of XGB leaf node ?

ANSWER= B) Explain:- “leaf weight” (derived while training) can be said as the model’s predicted output associated with each leaf (exit) node.


5.How change in max_depth parameter value impact the tree based model? ?

ANSWER= A) Explain:- If the value of max_depth is increased, the model would be prone to overfit.


6.What does parameter n_estimator represent in Tree based model?

ANSWER= C) Explain:- Number of ensembled trees.


7. What is default value of max_depth?

ANSWER=C) Explain:- Default value=6 and only if growing_policy=lossguide, max_value=0.


8. Which parameter is tuned for L1 and L2 regularization on the weights in Tree based Model?

ANSWER= C) Explain:- Alpha and Lambda parameters are tuned for L1 and L2 regularization on the weights. Encourages the small weights. Default=1..


9. Which parameter is tuned to decide how many data samples will be trained?

ANSWER= C) Explain:- How many data samples will be trained? Default=1 means 100% percentage, if it is set 0.5, 50% of data is chosen randomly.


10. What are the parameters used to control overfitting in Tree based model?

ANSWER= B) Explain:- min_child_weight and max_depth parameter used to control overfitting. min_child_weight too high values can cause underfitting. Default=1.Whereas max_depth high values can cause overfitting
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